Random thoughts...

A friend asked me the other day why moppets 'n munchkins...  And it's something that I've always just called my kids.  When the first two were littler, I used to ask both of them if they were moppets or poppets...  And usually one would choose one nickname, while the other would choose the other name, and so we'd spend the day calling each other moppets and poppets.  Then when BubbyGirl came along, the older two were moppet and poppet, so she had to be called the little munchkin.

So I looked up google, and a moppet is another name for a rag doll (which is kinda cute!), and a munchkin keeps popping up pictures of munchkin hats.  So I'm still at a bit of a loss as to what a munchkin really is, but I've got a photo of BubbyGirl in a munchkin hat!

Cakes, cakes and more cakes...

And now for a more light-hearted post, and as one of my catch up posts...here are some cakes that I've done lately.

My family lives in another state, and my sister is always asking me to get around to putting some of my cakes up online so that she can look at them too.

So here goes...

So there's a few to start with!

Blogtoberfest 19-Oct-11

I know, it's been 9 days since my last post...  That almost sounds like I should be sitting in a confessional!   I'm going to make up for it though by posting a few posts per day...  Just to get into the habit again!

The reason for my slackness is that I've have been pretty busy!  Three kids will do that to me periodically, but this time I went away for the weekend with a couple of friends, for the first time in 4 years.

It still amazes me that sometimes we can meet people that we just click with, and feel totally relaxed around and they are just a blessing in our lives at that precise moment.  These two friends have come along at a time in my life when I was feeling quite alone, not necessarily lonely, but definitely separate from the rest of the Mum's at school and kindy.

They are two women that I really enjoy spending time with, mostly because we all just really GET each other and each others lives.   It's always really comfortable, compassionate and supportive (and crafty!) when we're together, talking for hours, drinking too much coffee or wine (not often enough!).

And if either one of them is reading this post, I just wanted to say how grateful I am that they have both come into my life.  Sometimes it's easier to type these things than it is to say!

Blogtoberfest 10-Oct-11

OK, so I registered a few days ago but only got to the linking and the icon on my page late last night, so today is my first official Blogtoberfest post!

Now that the kids are back at school, we've had to return our adopted silkworms.  When the holidays started, there wasn't many and the few that were there were little, scrawny looking worms.

By the end of the holidays, there's stacks of them and they're all big, fat and healthy, with three of them spinning their cocoons, ready for the metamorphosis into the cute little white moths that they become.

Anyway, I might have complained about having to clean out their home daily and drive around looking for mulberry leaves, but now that they're gone I miss them and their cute little fatness every morning!

Popcorn Picnic

I just had to share this photo.  Now that school's back in session, I'm trying to get the kids back into routine as quickly as possible.  The best way in this house is to have a popcorn picnic after school - just to make sure that they have afternoon tea, which equals less complaining as we near dinnertime...
And my apologies for the dreadful photo - it was just taken very quickly with my phone - kids move too quickly for me to have gotten my camera organised!  But aren't they cute?  All staring intently at Playschool while munching on popcorn...

And finally, some more sewing done...

I took the photos the other day but have only just had some time now to upload them.  So here goes...

And just to even things up in the house, I made some funky shorts for TechnoBoy...  He's just so excited that his mummy got to sewing some stuff for him too!  Poor little fella gets a little forgotten with the creative things, generally the creative things all being so girly!

And I got quite a few different fabrics for boys while I was at it, so I can see that this summer he's going to be mostly into the funky shorts.  I think the thing that he was most excited about was that there was no tricky buttons or zippers and that the material was nice and soft to wear.  Cutie!

A cute day out...

Isn't this just the cutest little girl?  We had a morning out recently and the day before a little outfit arrived in the mail that I'd had custom made by a lovely lady in Melbourne.  What the photo doesn't show is the stunning little doll that was made to match her little outfit just perfectly.
And this is my darling little BubbyGirl.